“We need the vision and the courage to radically rethink mobility”
The mobility industry is undergoing profound disruptions. Social trends and technological developments such as digitization, emissions-free drive systems and urbanization are changing the way we will move from A to […]

Corporate Challenge: E. ON :agile accelerator
:agile started in May 2013 and completes E.ON’s activities with regard to innovation while nurturing new business ideas. The aim is to generate innovation within E.ON, stimulate the ideas and […]

Corporate Challenge: innogy Innovation Hub
The innogy Innovation Hub is a global hub with established networks in Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, London and Berlin – four of the world’s leading innovation ecosystems. They collaborate with […]

Corporate Challenge: Wincubator, powered by WILO SE
The wincubator is an independent unit of Wilo SE that works at the intersections of smart buildings, cleantech, and water. They support start-ups, young enterprises, and other established companies that […]

Corporate Challenge: Vattenfall green:field
The green:field platform brings together two different worlds of the renewable energy sector: dynamic start-ups with innovative ideas and the experience and resources of a big corporate like Vattenfall. Via […]

Startup Spotlight: Thermondo knows how to scale
Thermondo shows us what happens when clean tech startups scale. Big time. Founded in 2012, the company is the German market leader in the planning, financing and installation of heating […]

Startup Spotlight: ecoligo closes the finance gap for solar in developing countries
Start ups think internationally. One great best practice for this is ecoligo. Started in Berlin, currently relocating to Frankfurt and Accra/Ghana, these guys developed an extremely innovative business model: Making […]

Startup Spotlight: Squirrelz reduces fashion waste & makes manufacturing more efficient
Talking about energy efficiency: We all know that it is not only about power and renewables. We need to rethink the way we live – this includes products and the […]

Startup Spotlight: ZOLAR makes purchasing solar systems easy
Every house will have a solar and battery system one day! This is the vision of Alex Melzer, CEO and Co-Founder of ZOLAR. Many companies, startups and even politicians did […]

Press Release: ‘Start Up Energy Transition Award’: Impressive response to global competition
‘Start Up Energy Transition Award’: Impressive response to global competition More than 500 entrants from 66 countries / Finalists to give presentations at Tech Festival / Winners to be chosen […]