Category: Award

SET22 Finalist: Envio Systems Simplifies Smart Buildings

Envio Systems’ energy efficiency management system, the Envio platform, transforms buildings into smart ones.

SET22 Finalist: R8 Technologies Ensures Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings

This SET finalist is revolutionising energy efficiency for commercial buildings with their next-generation AI software, the R8 Operator.

SET22 Finalist: iNex Circular Enhances the Value of Untapped Resources

Clean Energy Generaiton. iNex Circular is a European waste exchange platform promoting circular economy between industries.

PowerUP Technologies - Hydrogen Fuel Cells Technology

SET22 Finalist: PowerUP Technologies Produces Hydrogen Fuel Cells Generator

PowerUP develops and produces the next-generation generator: replacing diesel with hydrogen fuel cell based-electric technology.

Energy Frontrunners with Modvion - Wind turbines from laminated wood

SET22 Finalist: Modvion Builds Wind Turbines in Wood 

The next generation of wind turbines. Modvion produces wind turbines made from laminated wood, nature’s own carbon fibre.

SET x GIZ: A Partnership to Enable the Impact of Innovators

SET x GIZ: A Partnership to Enable the Impact of Innovators

Presenting our long-lasting partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) & 5 expert innovators.

iNex Team jumping

SET Award 2022: Presenting this Year’s Finalists

Meet the 15 finalists of the SET Award 2022. The winners of the 6th SET Award will be announced at the SET Tech Festival in the fall of 2022.

SET100 List - The Top 100 Energy Start-ups of 2022

Unveiling the SET100 List of 2022

Start Up Energy Transition (SET) is proud to unveil its 6th SET100 List, the annual compilation of the most promising global innovators in the energy transition who are transforming the […]

Elia Group's sixth iInovation Challenge

Elia Group Open Innovation Challenge 2022: A Focus on Sustainability

dena and the SET team are proud to serve as a supporting partner for the Elia Group Open Innovation Challenge 2022 The challenge is open to start-ups from around the […]

Vaitea Cowan from Enapter pitching at the SET Tech Festival 2019

SET Success Stories: Enapter, Fusebox, Cemvita, Roofit.Solar & Hydrogenious

As we near the year’s end, we are seeing a rush of encouraging developments for several SET Alumni start-ups. In this edition of Start-Up Success Stories, we will highlight the […]