Events – June 2017

Events – June 2017

Please find a list of start-up and energy related events below:


Captivate New York (New York, USA): June 8th, 2017

German Accelerator New York (GANY), the German American Chamber of Commerce (GACC) and the German Consulate General New York would like to invite you to the German Startup Innovation Pitch Night & Happy Hour at the Northside Festival.

More info here:


The S Factory G5 Introduction day (Santiago, Chile): June 8th, 2017

The S Factory is a pre-accelerator where female leaders turn innovative ideas into scalable businesses. Successful participants receive 4 month of training and around 15k USD to support their business ideas.

More info here:


Sustainable Energy Week (Brussels, Belgium): June 19-25, 2017

 EUSEW is a month-long series of activities to build a secure energy future for Europe. You can take part in Sustainable Energy Week by creating or attending an Energy Day, competing for the Sustainable Energy Awards, presenting at or attending the Networking Village, and organizing a session or presentation at the Policy Conference.

More info here:


Deadline! ClimateLaunchpad Competition (Cyprus): June 22nd, 2017

ClimateLaunchpad is part of the Entrepreneurship offerings of Climate-KIC, a EU-funded initiative to boost innovation in clean technologies.

More info here:


Long night of the Science (Berlin, Germany): June 24th, 2017

On the “smartest night of the year” scientific institutions, laboratories and libraries which are usually closed to the public open their doors for visitors. What makes the Long Night of the Sciences so special is the personal encounter between scientists and citizens, the thrilling experience of discovering usually “hidden” places, and the vivid atmosphere of a nightly event.

More info here:


Open Source Circular Economy (Berlin, Germany): June 29th – July 2nd, 2017

There will be no more waste in the city of tomorrow. What sounds like an utopian vision will be explored during this year’s OSCE days from June 29-July 2. OSCE stands for Open Source Circular Economy and pursues the idea of ​​a sustainable future in which less garbage is created and the economy works in symbiosis with the environment and natural resources. Through a wide range of interactive activities, workshops and lectures the participants will learn what open source and circular economy means for their everyday life, their neighborhood and the city of tomorrow.

More info here:


Deadline! GABA Rising Stars Awards (Carlifornia, USA): June 30th, 2017

The GABA Rising Stars Award is a startup award that puts a spotlight on German-American Entrepreneurs.

More info here:

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